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Want to know what CRN is and from where you can get it? If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place. In this blog, we will explain to you what CRN (company registration number) is and the easy way to obtain it in India. You can easily track this number on the official site of the government by selecting the option “Find CIN”.

CRN is known to be a unique number allotted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs during the process of registration of a company. This number is published on the certificate of incorporation along with this, it is printed on all the documents of the company. Keep in mind that this number is generated automatically and cannot be changed.

CRN is also known as CIN (Corporate identification number), which you can get by procuring a DSC, approving the name as well as filing incorporation documents. Basically, a CIN is a 21-digit-long identity that comprises its own meaning that can be translated. This assists in locating the basic details of a company that is registered under the ministry.

By registering their companies online, entrepreneurs may save costs and run their operations more efficiently. Unlike traditional registration processes, this one doesn't need paper forms, manual data entry, or physical presence at a designated site. It will be included on your certificate of incorporation and other paperwork filed with Companies House. Your CRN is also included on the Businesses House Service's online public register of businesses.

What is CRN or CIN?

In India, a company's identification number (CIN) is issued by the Registrar of Companies (ROC). The ROC operates in a number of different states across India and reports to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. It is a tool for locating essential information about any Indian organization.

In all jurisdictions where this equipment will be utilized, the CRN must be registered. After approval, the fabrication and inspection processes are identical to those used by the National Board. Once a vessel or fitting has been registered, it may be duplicated an unlimited number of times. The CRN system allows for the global distribution of registered products.

How to interpret a CIN number

Every identification number has a similar format in order to make its interpretation simpler. The formation of such information follows a pattern that is bifurcated into 6 aspects of an organization.

  • The CIN code's initial letter denotes whether or not the firm is publicly traded. Listed companies begin with an L, whereas unlisted businesses begin with a U.
  • Following the listing code (L or U) in a CIN comes the five-digit Industry code, which the Registrar of Companies assigns depending on the nature of the business. The industrial codes are organized into sections, divisions, groups, classes, and subclasses.

    Here's an example: Group 502 and sub-group 5020 deal with the "Sale of motor vehicles (includes wholesale and retail sale of new and used passenger motor vehicles)"; Division 50 deals with the "sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail sale of automotive fuel"; Section G deals with "wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and personal and household goods";

  • The state where the company was formed is indicated by the third digit of the CIN. The seventh and eighth digits of a CIN in India are normally reserved for state codes. For instance, the state codes for Tamil Nadu (TN), Maharashtra (MH), Kerala (KL), and Karnataka (KA) are all two-character abbreviations.
  • The incorporation date follows the CIN's first eight digits, making its appearance between the numbers nine and twelve. The whole year, with all four digits, is shown. 1947, 1995, 2000, 2016, and 2022 are only a few examples.
  • The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth digits of a CIN number, after the year of incorporation, often indicate the kind of ownership.
  • Finally, the Registrar of Companies issues a unique six-digit identification number known as a CIN to each newly registered business. The ownership indicators are appended to the CIN between digits 16 and 21, depending on the structure of the business.

For example, firm L21091MH2022OPC141331 is a single-member limited liability company (LLC) based in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It was established in 2022 and its CIN is L21091MH2022OPC141331.

Steps for Obtaining CIN Number

The moment you have selected the type of business you desire to establish, the below-given steps are required to follow in order to get a Company Registration Number in India

  • Get a DIN along with a DSC
  • Register as a new user on the official website
  • Complete the incorporation procedure
  • The application will be reviewed and approved by the MCA
  • Following confirmation of the application's accuracy, the CIN is granted


The process of applying for a CIN number is outlined in the above blog. A CIN number is needed for every legitimate firm in order for the government to keep tabs on its activities and make sure everything is running properly. Your company has been given a special identification number consisting of 21 digits wherein the CIN will be issued after you have received your completed application. Obtaining a CIN signifies that you are permitted to operate a business in India and that the Corporate Ministry of Affairs has validated your business.

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