If you think you have already registered for Udyog Aadhar but are unable to find or retrieve your existing registration details, don’t worry! We are here to help with your Forgot Udyog Aadhar or Forgot Udyog Aadhaar Number queries.
On 1st July 2020, the Ministry of MSME launched a new and improved portal. MSME Registration, previously known as Udyog Aadhaar, has now migrated to a new and improved system. To avail of all the benefits under various schemes introduced by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, you must not only obtain registration but also migrate your pre-existing MSME / Udyog Aadhar Registration to the new system. If you have lost Udyog Aadhar registration, it is crucial to retrieve your details to continue enjoying MSME benefits.
If you tried to make a fresh application on the portal but could not do so due to an already existing Udyog Aadhar Registration, or if the portal notified you that you already have registration against your PAN number, you might have hit a roadblock.
Simply fill in the form below and our executives will contact you to help you retrieve your registration details.
As per the new guidelines, only one registration can be made using one PAN number. You can make multiple applications under the same Aadhaar, but only one registration will be granted against the same PAN number. Even though your firm has multiple plant or office addresses, only one registration is granted. You can enter multiple plant or office names and addresses in the same registration document by making necessary alterations. Hence, it is important to retrieve existing registration details if you have lost them due to any reason. If you have lost Udyog Aadhar registration, you must recover it to proceed without disruptions.
Legal Disclaimer: This website is managed under the guidance of professional & private consultants. Our aim is to advise & assist in registration of the organisations in MSME & get their Udyog Aadhaar / Udyam Certificate with no difficulties. While we do not charge you for obtaining the Registration, we do charge a small amount to give timely & better services of apprising & assisting in schemes and benefits granted by the Ministry of MSME. Kindly note for MSME/Udyog Aadhaar/Udyam Registration there are no government fees & this website is not a government website. The amount paid by you is against Advisory charges to obtain your registration & consult you further about other permissions or licenses required to run business in accordance to state or central laws.