Udyog Aadhaar
Swachh Bharat

Apply for Udyog Aadhar Registration Online Now! / उद्योग आधार पंजीकरण के लिए आवेदन करें

Applicant Details

Please enter your good name

Please enter your surname

Please enter your valid contact number

Please enter your active email address

Select your social category from the drop-down list

Organisation Details

Please enter the name of your Firm/ Organization/ Company

Please enter the registered address of your Firm/ Organization/ Company

Please enter the PAN Number of your Firm/ Organization/ Company – Enter PAN of individual in case of Proprietorship firm

Please enter the date of establishment of your Firm/ Organization/ Company

Select your Organization type from the list below

Please enter the total number of employees (approximate)

Please enter the total amount invested in rupees

Please enter amount of investment in Plant & Machinery for Manufacturer & Office and Stationary for Service Provider.

Please describe your business activity of the Firm/ Organization/ Company

Enter your GST Number

Kindly leave this field blank if you are not registered under GST

Bank Details

Please enter the Bank account number of the Firm/ Organization/ Company

Please enter Personal Bank account number in case Firm/ Organization/ Company bank account is not available.

Please enter the IFSC Code of your Bank

Legal Disclaimer: This website is managed under the guidance of professional & private consultants. Our aim is to advise & assist in registration of the organisations in MSME & get their Udyog Aadhaar / Udyog Certificate with no difficulties. While we do not charge you for obtaining the Registration, we do charge a small amount to give timely & better services of apprising & assisting in schemes and benefits granted by the Ministry of MSME. Kindly note for Udyog Aadhaar Certificate there are no government fees & this website is not a government website. The amount paid by you is against advisory charges to obtain your registration & consult you further about other permissions or licenses required to run business in accordance with state or central laws.

Follow these easy steps to get your MSME/Udyog Aadhaar registration

Fill in the form above

Make online payment

Get your registration certificate

Udyog Aadhar Registration

With the rapid growth of the economy, the micro, small, and medium-sized industry is still lagging behind. To boost such advancement, the government of India has introduced Udyog Aadhaar which is currently known as Udyam registration. Hence, you will be provided with a Udyam Registration Certificate instead of Udyog Aadhar Certificate through this registration.

With the introduction of Aadhaar Udyog, the process has become simpler and convenient. Currently, all the entrepreneurs and businesses have migrated from Udyog Aadhaar Registration to Udyam Registration to comply with the government rules and avail necessary benefits.

Why was Aadhaar Udyog introduced?

The initiation of Udyog Aadhaar was made in order to simplify the registration process for micro, small, and medium enterprises. The scheme has helped in gathering necessary statistical data along with aligning efforts made by the government to enhance business operations.

Ultimately, Udyog Aadhar.gov.in promotes entrepreneurship and contributes to the economic growth of the country.

Benefits of Aadhaar Udyog

  • 1) Get access to various government subsidies, schemes, and other such benefits to grow your business.
  • 2) For secure loans, several financial institutions use the Udyog Aadhar certificate as a base for assessing the creditworthiness of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.
  • 3) Assist in collecting crucial statistical data regarding the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises to help economic planning.

Frequently asked questions